On Saturday March 23rd the Coudersport Area Lions Club held their third Mystery
Dinner Theater over dinner at the Coudersport Fire Hall Annex with over 125 attending.
The St. Maryʼs group led by Lisa Lepovetsky performed “Murder on the High Seas” and
set the scene for a cruise liner mystery. The group was introduced by Lion, Linda Karija.
Guests pored over clues trying to solve the mystery of who killed Hilda Winnbagg. The
evening combined the skit and entrees as the guests worked on this latest “Who
Dinner was catered by Claudia Dynda who prepared a wonderful meal of beef
brisket, pork loin, stuffing, red potatoes and steamed vegetables with her helpers,
including her son Jared Peno.
Lions member Keturah Cappadonia headed up the bussing crew as Lions members pitched in between courses to clear the tables. Keturah
The Lions Club viewed their evening a success and took a show of hands to see
if the crowd would like to see the event held again. The response was yes, and same
time next year, so plans for next yearʼs mystery will be in the making. The Lions would
like to thank the community for its support in this event and looks forward to serving
local organizations and individuals.
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