Breaking News
Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Info Post
The Potter County Dairy Promotion Program is inviting candidates to serve as Potter County Dairy Princess as well as other positions on our royalty team.


v Resident of Pennsylvania.
v Be a daughter, granddaughter, niece or sister of one of the following:
 A dairy farmer, dairy farm manager or herdsman
 Someone employed in a dairy related industry (dairy farm store, veterinarian, DHIA, hoof trimmer, milk inspector, dairy feed store, raise dairy replacements, etc)

 Employed herself as one of the above
 The owner or leaser of at least one head of dairy cattle (7 major dairy breeds in a 4-H or FFA project prior to May 1 of the contest year)

 Have served her county for a full year as a Dairy Maid/Ambassador.
v Be at least 16 years of age by July 1 and not reach her 24th birthday by December 31.
v If under 18, have her parents’ consent.
v Be single, never married, have no children and must not marry or become pregnant during her reign.
v A County Princess must have not served as her county princess the previous year.
v A County Princess must not have been a former Pennsylvania Dairy Princess or Pennsylvania Alternate Dairy Princess
v Each contestant at the annual Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Pageant must be currently serving as a county Dairy Princess.
v Attendance is REQUIRED at the PDPPS Training Seminar held in July and at the State Pageant in September.
v County alternates must attend Seminar or Mini-Seminar to participate in the county incentive award program.
Also, anyone between the ages of 9-12 interested in the Junior Dairy Promoter Program is invited to particiapte. Call for more information.

If anyone is interested, please contact Judi Turton at 848-7204 or email by May 1, 2013.


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