4-H Food Projects Becoming Popular with Members
Food projects and learning about food has become increasingly popular in 4-H. We have had several clubs this year focus on learning to make food and learning about some of our local Potter County food businesses. The Shinglehouse Sew Cooks club completes a food project each year and this it was around everyone’s favorite- cookies. The girls learned how to make Snickerdoodles and other treats in the club then took those treats to a bake sale for the library. A 4-H club of five raised over $300.00 to donate to the Oswayo Valley Memorial Library.
Two clubs, 11 Mile Livestock Club and Cream of the Crop, came together this spring to learn about Potter County’s own Torrey’s New Horizon Creamery in Coneville. The clubs toured the facility to learn how they make cheese. After the tour, the groups had an pizza and ice cream party at the Creamery. The leaders commented that it was a great learning experience for the kids.
The Cow Patty Kickers club in Roulette has gone Mexican this spring with members learning how to make empanadas and tortillas. It was then time to indulge the sweet tooth and learn about cake decorating and coming soon- making homemade chocolate treats. The kids will then take what they have learned and utilize it to make dinner for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Buffalo, NY. The group will be making and serving dinner on Sunday, April 21.
If interested in learning more about our food projects or to get involved in a 4-H club, please call the Extension Office at 274-8540.
4-H Food Projects Becoming Popular with Members
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