Six-Week Detour Coming for Bridge Repair in Clearfield County
Clearfield –Work to repair a structurally deficient bridge on Route 3014 (Harmony Road) in Clearfield County will get underway Monday, April 1 and an alternating traffic pattern with flagging will be in place. Once work progresses next week, a detour will go into effect. The bridge spans Patchin Run on Route 3014, in the village of Patchinville in Burnside Township. Repairing the bridge will remove it from the list of structurally deficient bridges in Clearfield County and provide a smoother, safer ride for area travelers.
In order to replace the bridge deck, PennDOT will begin work under limited traffic and eventually close the road near the bridge, requiring drivers to follow a detour. The detour should go into effect sometime next week and will direct drivers to use Route 219, Route 3016 (Byers Road), and Route 3001 (Ridge Road). PennDOT expects to re-open the bridge by May 15 but will re-open sooner if work progress allows. All work is weather dependent.
Crews from PennDOT Clearfield County Maintenance will perform the work, which includes replacement of the deck and improved drainage. The bridge was built in 1950, is 21 feet long and carries an average of almost 300 vehicles per day.
Drivers are reminded to follow official detour signs, obey posted speed limits and always buckle up.
Six-Week Detour Coming for Bridge Repair in Clearfield County
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