Talking With Those Who Agree
I’m learning something today, something that I’d not necessarily thought about until now. It’s easy to talk with those who already agree with you, but it’s another matter to talk with those that don’t. Now what I’ve learned is that even though it isn’t always easy to talk with those that don’t agree with you, it is good to do. I’m learning that I like to hear what other people think, even when I think their ideas and beliefs are far fetched. Of course they probably think mine are too.
Since my writings are always related to Christ and Christianity in one way or another, it has caused me to take another look at Christ to see whom he surrounded himself with. You would think that he would surround himself with the religious people, but it doesn’t take long to realize that that wasn’t the case. In fact, the people he associated with the most were not acceptable in the religious circles. They weren’t educated, but rather very common people, and in some cases, even the outcast of society.
Some have said that you should find people who have the Spirit of God already working in them and talk with them. That doesn’t mean that they’re following God, but only that they’re being drawn to, and are interested in the things of God. The idea here refers to the comment that Jesus made about not casting your pearls before swine, (Mt 7:6). The pearls in this case are the things of God and the swine would be those that scoff God. Understand here that these people are not necessarily those that would agree with you, but rather are open to have a dialogue. I’m not referring to, (as Jesus would have referred to them as), the stiff-necked rebellious individuals who scoff at God and the things of God. To those we shouldn’t waste our time as they are changeable and are quite happy being they way they are.
So it is very important to be in dialogue with those that may not agree with you, but who are searching just as you are. Why? Well for one thing, you both may learn something through it, and that would be good thing. Think about it.
Think About It....
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