Breaking News
Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Info Post
UPDATE: Local Cartoonist Barely Holds First Place.

Tuesday afternoon shows the familiar four contestants back in the top four spots.

"I am afraid that next week the top four may be shaken up a bit," Frost stated today.

Frost explained, "It only takes two judges to decide if your cartoon makes them laugh and fits the criteria they have laid out. Their decision combined with supporters' votes is what keeps you in the running."

There are 35 contestants left in this competition. Sadly we have seen some very good cartoonists go home already and some of them never saw it coming. On Sunday morning 10 of the top 24 contestants were said to have been sent home.

"There is no safety, but I believe being in the very top spots obviously helps," exclaimed Mr. Frost.

We really need to place Lonny Frost at the very top and would love to see Tioga County and Potter County residents flood Lonny Frost's cartoon with votes these last 3 weeks. This would allow the judges to see how much support Mr. Frost has locally and across the U.S. Also be aware that Lonny is collecting votes across multiple states.

We want you to reach out and convince those who are reading the updates to actually become part of the updates.

With over 1300 friends here and the hundreds of friends that supporters have, we could in one day give Lonny so much support, that voting once with over 2,000 voters would lock Mr. Frost in first place.

Thankfully many people are sharing, we looking to have more people sign up and vote now that there are only 3 rounds left.

Lonny thanks all his supporters for every single vote. "That is what has kept me in this competition," Frost stated.

The standings are as follows:
Lonny Frost holds first by only 15 votes. His total votes so far is 431. Second place contestant, Peter Rameriez just moved up 30 votes in a ten minute time span to 416. Third place is still being held by Mark Fleck with 157 votes and taking back forth place is Tim Green with 136 votes.

These four cartoonists have been the top five throughout the competition. Everyone is watching the lead swicth back in forth between Lonny Frost and Peter Ramirez as each round has flown by. The only way to keep our local resident in the top is to find every available person and ask them to vote.

One growing change is that kids and teens are now voting alongside their parents, as they also are enjoying the "Wild Tails" humor created by Mr. Frost.

"The contest is essentially in the hands of those voting," Frost said. "Luckily, I have a wonderfully strong supoortive group that has kept me very close to first spot for the last seven rounds," Frost thankfully stated.

So with that said, we would love to see more local residents jump in and sign up to become a positive part of contest's outcome. Let us keep Mr. Frost in the top spot.

Here is the link to share with your friends.


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