April 13 Marks Statewide
Opening Day of Trout Season
HARRISBURG, Pa. (April 3) – Anglers from across the state are gearing up to fish their favorite spots at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, which marks the traditional statewide opening day of trout season. Since mid-February, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has been busy replenishing waterways with a fresh supply of brook, brown and rainbow trout. And with more than 3 million adult trout stocked in lakes and creeks, anglers will have plenty of active targets.
PFBC Executive Director John Arway says the opening day tradition is as much about gathering with friends and family as it is about fishing.
“I was at Opossum Lake in Cumberland County for the regional opening day and hundreds of people had lined the shores by 7 a.m.,” Arway said. “I talked to anglers who were there with their buddies, grandparents who had their grandkids with them, and families who had their kids out for the first time. The weather was beautiful and everyone was having a good time.”
March 30 marked the regional opening day of trout in 18 southeastern counties, including Cumberland County.
To build excitement before the fishing season and to engage young anglers, the PFBC launched a new Mentored Youth Trout Day on Saturday, March 23, a week before the regional opener.
“By every indication, the mentored youth day was a huge success,” said Arway. “More than 3,000 mentors and 5,000 youth registered for the special day. Although the weather was colder than normal that morning, field staff reported that hundreds of people were lined up at each of the dozen sites for the 8 a.m. start.”
The PFBC had partnered with Cabela’s to provide a tagged fish contest during this special day. So far, more than 80 tags have been returned for prize packages which included $20 Cabela’s gift cards and a limited-edition Zebco rod and reel combination.
Also this year, the PFBC has once again teamed up with Pittsburgh Pirates baseball for a special promotion. During the baseball season, 2013 fishing license holders are eligible to purchase discounted outfield box tickets and receive a free custom, limited-edition Pirates ball cap with each PNC Park game ticket. The offer is good on any day of baseball, with the exception of opening day and Saturday games.
The promotional offer is good for advance ticket purchases only. Visit the Pirates website at www.pirates.com for a seating chart. These discounted tickets can be ordered directly online at www.pirates.com/pafish. Customers should use the coupon code “fish.”
Tickets can also be purchased by completing an order form on the PFBC website and mailing it to the Pirates office or fax it to 412.325.4410. Phone orders cannot be accepted. The online form (with more details) can be found at: http://fishandboat.com/promo/pirates-promo2013reg.pdf.
More than 850,000 anglers buy a fishing license each year.
For the first time this year, anglers can purchase multi-year fishing licenses, including a resident three-year license for $64.70 or a resident five-year license for $106.70. Resident three-year and five-year trout permits cost $25.70 and $41.70.
A one-year resident fishing license costs $22.70 and a trout-salmon permit is $9.70. A license is required for anyone 16 and older and a trout permit is required for trout fishing. Licenses can be purchased at sporting goods stores and online at www.gonefishingpa.com.
Also, a media resources page contains web banners, high resolution photos and radio public service announcements for graphic artists and reporters to use.
April 13 Marks Statewide Opening Day of Trout Season
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