Response to Lon Seitz letter and blogger's inuendos
We read Lon Seitz comments about our Genesee Township Supervisors and would like to comment in support of the great team of Genesee Township Supervisors and Secretary and also crew. We would also like to respond to the anonymous blogger who called the Genesee Rod and Gun Club a "fiefdom".The Genesee Twsp. Roadmaster is an excellent equipment operator and overseer of roads, no doubt due to the many years he spent operating equipment and building roads for a commercial road building company. He has saved thousands of dollars by excavating and processing gravel from a local pit. the Roadmaster is also in charge of upkeep of the Township equipment. Our equipment always looks good and runs good. He is on call 24/7 so he needs the township truck to respond quickly. If the current salary is what it takes to have competent help, then so be it. Remember, the Roadmaster salary does not include health coverage or pension, which takes a "big bite" out of his pay.
As for the Genesee Township Secretary salary, we are fortunate that a person with her skills, temperament and responsibility to duty doesn't leave our Township for a job with a higher pay and benefits.
REGARDING THE COMMENTS CASTING DISPERSION (ie: "fiefdom", as mentioned by an anonymous blogger) TOWARDS THE GENESEE ROD & GUN CLUB:
We are fortunate to have one of the Genesee Township Supervisors as a member of our Rod & Gun Club. He has donated a large amount of his time doing upkeep at our Club over the years.
And, by the way, our Club has donated to the Genesee and Ulysses VFDs. for some time now; also our Club donates a scholarship to a Northern Potter and a Whitesville graduate. The Genesee Rod & Gun Club also donates and supports with our manpower to the Potter County Anglers Club, who stock our local streams once or twice a year.
In August of this year, our Club is hosting a Pa. Game Commission Hunter Safety Course.
The Genesee Rod and Gun Club also runs sanctioned shoots throughout the year. We meet on the second Tues. of the month at 7pm. As you can see, our Club is a good community organization to belong to and support, thanks to good people, such as our Supervisor.
Frank and Mary Grom
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